Friday, January 29, 2021

Workplace Wellness for Professionals of Color

I think it is so important to promote workplace wellness, especially as a professional of color. I have seen too many people burn out, work harder than they should have to in order to be respected, feel unappreciated or underpaid and try to be perfect so that they will not be discriminated against or stereotyped at work. This kind of stress and pressure can really take a toll on someone. 

Workplace wellness is important because work is where we spend a lot of our time. 40 hours per week or more is a significant amount of time to spend working for a company. Even if you are part time, you can still be impacted by stress because part time workers often take on more in less time.

This also extends to entrepreneurs. Working for yourself does not exclude you from the stress that can come from work, and also the disparities that sometimes exist for professionals of color. However, I am confident that things are changing, and that change first starts with being an advocate for yourself. Here are a few tips I have for workplace wellness. 

1. Take your breaks: It may be tempting to work through your break, especially if you have the freedom to set that break for yourself. Be sure that you are aware of how much time you are spending on a project and take the breaks you need to reset. 

2. Use your PTO- If you have PTO please be sure to use it. Everyone needs time to restore themselves. Being overworked is not good for your health. 

3. Have a good support system at work or outside of work: I think it is important to connect with other professionals who you can be transparent with but who also have a positive spirit to help guide you when you need support. If you do not have this in your work space be sure to join a network to connect there.

4. Consider exercising during your day. It's amazing how beneficial even a 10 or 15 minute walk can be. Taking just 30 minutes or less to refocus and meditate on something positive like your self care can really keep you balanced. 

5. Let it all go. It is tempting to rehearse everything that happened at work, or to worry about things that are not in your control. Once you release all that bothered you for the day, don't forget to let it go. Remember that its okay to not get everything done in one day and it is okay to have a boundary with work. Leave work where it belongs and be sure to schedule some time for fun with the people who love you most. 



Find Your Resting Place

 If you’re ever feeling worn out, take a break. No amount of work can make you feel complete. Only your well-being and values such as faith,...