Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Self Care and Work

We have all heard the term work-life balance but is there truly a balance? While we are prioritizing multiple tasks simultaneously, it is only natural that we disproportionately spend our time. I want to give you tips on how to practice self care while building a career.

1. Have the right perspective: Life is about more than work and work alone does not bring us true happiness. It is very important to recognize that work is a way in which we provide for ourselves and our families. Once we have grown into ourselves and identified our joys in life, it can also bring enjoyment. It is not meant to be our all. Therefore, even when we enjoy our work, we must stop and reflect on what truly matters.

2. Prioritize non work related activities. Make an effort to spend time with people you love, participate in hobbies, traveling, and events that you enjoy.

3. Take personal and sick days. This can be especially hard to do when you feel the need to prove yourself. You can still be a reliable employee by taking care of yourself. In fact, you are even more likely to be reliable when you have the energy to do so. Things can be rescheduled, deadlines can be extended, tasks can be delegated. All you have to do is ask.

4. Keep looking for your passion. Sometimes, we don't have time to slow down and identify what we like to do. If you don't like your job, while you are working try volunteering, take a career assessment to learn about more careers, and explore starting your own business.

5. Use your benefits. If you have benefits, use them. Make sure you are well informed of the benefits your company offers and use them all. You deserve to take care of your health.

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