Friday, January 17, 2020

Overcoming Adversity During A Job Search

There comes a time, often more than once, when we must overcome adversity. While it is not something we look forward to, it can often make us stronger. Here are a few tips to overcome adversity during a job search.

1. Always have a good strategy: When you are looking for something, don't look blindly, and don't look desperately. Have clear goals and expectations. Go in thinking positive. Remember your worth and know your plan.

2. Be Grateful: There will be times when you really want something. You think that when you don't get it, you have missed out. Often times, there is something better for you. You have not missed out. Just know that when you put your best foot forward and you are qualified, it's not a loss, it's a win. You get to dream bigger.

3. Stay Persistent: Keep your eyes and ears open. When it get's tempting to settle, just know that you are one step closer to the right move. Don't give up too close to the finish line.

4. Remember your worth: Don't allow rejection to make you feel less worthy. You get to evaluate your weaknesses and improve but you don't get to forget who you are: strong and courageous.

5. Be confident: Always be yourself. Know that at the end of the day, who you are wins. You want to be in a position that is true to who you are, what you want to do, with people you want to do it with. Be relentless in what sets your soul on fire.

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